The bestselling legal thriller--and upcoming Netflix series--has charismatic defense attorney Mickey Haller taking on a slam-dunk court case involving a Beverly Hills playboy--but as it spirals into a nightmare, he finds himself in a fight for his life. Mickey Haller is...
INSPIRATION FOR THE ORIGINAL SERIES THE LINCOLN LAWYER - THE #1 TV SHOW ON NETFLIX The bestselling legal thriller has charismatic defense attorney Mickey Haller taking on a slam-dunk court case involving a Beverly Hills playboy -- but as it spirals into a nightmare,...
The bestselling legal thriller--and upcoming Netflix series--has charismatic defense attorney Mickey Haller taking on a slam-dunk court case involving a Beverly Hills playboy--but as it spirals into a nightmare, he finds himself in a fight for his life. Mickey Haller...
This #1 bestselling legal thriller from Michael Connelly is a stunning display of novelistic mastery - as human, as gripping, and as whiplash-surprising as any novel yet from the writer Publishers Weekly has called "today's Dostoevsky of crime literature." Mickey Haller is a...
This #1 bestselling legal thriller from Michael Connelly is a stunning display of novelistic mastery - as human, as gripping, and as whiplash-surprising as any novel yet from the writer Publishers Weekly has called "today's Dostoevsky of crime literature." Mickey Haller is a...
This #1 bestselling legal thriller from Michael Connelly is a stunning display of novelistic mastery - as human, as gripping, and as whiplash-surprising as any novel yet from the writer Publishers Weekly has called "today's Dostoevsky of crime literature." Mickey Haller is a...
INSPIRATION FOR THE ORIGINAL SERIES THE LINCOLN LAWYER - THE #1 TV SHOW ON NETFLIXThe bestselling legal thriller has charismatic defense attorney Mickey Haller taking on a slam-dunk court case involving a Beverly Hills playboy--but as it spirals into a nightmare,...
The Lincoln Lawyer: Booktrack Edition adds an immersive musical soundtrack to your audiobook listening experience INSPIRATION FOR THE ORIGINAL SERIES THE LINCOLN LAWYER - THE #1 TV SHOW ON NETFLIX The bestselling...
The Lincoln Lawyer: Booktrack Edition adds an immersive musical soundtrack to your audiobook listening experience INSPIRATION FOR THE ORIGINAL SERIES THE LINCOLN LAWYER - THE #1 TV SHOW ON NETFLIX The bestselling...
This #1 bestselling legal thriller from Michael Connelly is a stunning display of novelistic mastery - as human, as gripping, and as whiplash-surprising as any novel yet from the writer Publishers Weekly has called "today's Dostoevsky of crime literature." Mickey Haller is a...
New York Times bestselling author Michael Connelly delivers his first legal thriller--an incendiary tale about a cynical defense attorney whose one remaining spark of integrity may cost him his life. Mickey Haller has spent all his professional life afraid that he wouldn't recognize...