The bestselling legal thriller--and upcoming Netflix series--has charismatic defense attorney Mickey Haller taking on a slam-dunk court case involving a Beverly Hills playboy--but as it spirals into a nightmare, he finds himself in a fight for his life. Mickey Haller is...
INSPIRATION FOR THE ORIGINAL SERIES THE LINCOLN LAWYER - THE #1 TV SHOW ON NETFLIX The bestselling legal thriller has charismatic defense attorney Mickey Haller taking on a slam-dunk court case involving a Beverly Hills playboy -- but as it spirals into a nightmare,...
The bestselling legal thriller--and upcoming Netflix series--has charismatic defense attorney Mickey Haller taking on a slam-dunk court case involving a Beverly Hills playboy--but as it spirals into a nightmare, he finds himself in a fight for his life. Mickey Haller...
This #1 bestselling legal thriller from Michael Connelly is a stunning display of novelistic mastery - as human, as gripping, and as whiplash-surprising as any novel yet from the writer Publishers Weekly has called "today's Dostoevsky of crime literature." Mickey Haller is a...
INSPIRATION FOR THE ORIGINAL SERIES THE LINCOLN LAWYER - THE #1 TV SHOW ON NETFLIXThe bestselling legal thriller has charismatic defense attorney Mickey Haller taking on a slam-dunk court case involving a Beverly Hills playboy--but as it spirals into a nightmare,...
This #1 bestselling legal thriller from Michael Connelly is a stunning display of novelistic mastery - as human, as gripping, and as whiplash-surprising as any novel yet from the writer Publishers Weekly has called "today's Dostoevsky of crime literature." Mickey Haller is a...
This #1 bestselling legal thriller from Michael Connelly is a stunning display of novelistic mastery - as human, as gripping, and as whiplash-surprising as any novel yet from the writer Publishers Weekly has called "today's Dostoevsky of crime literature." Mickey Haller is a...
The Lincoln Lawyer: Booktrack Edition adds an immersive musical soundtrack to your audiobook listening experience INSPIRATION FOR THE ORIGINAL SERIES THE LINCOLN LAWYER - THE #1 TV SHOW ON NETFLIX The bestselling...
The Lincoln Lawyer: Booktrack Edition adds an immersive musical soundtrack to your audiobook listening experience INSPIRATION FOR THE ORIGINAL SERIES THE LINCOLN LAWYER - THE #1 TV SHOW ON NETFLIX The bestselling...
This #1 bestselling legal thriller from Michael Connelly is a stunning display of novelistic mastery - as human, as gripping, and as whiplash-surprising as any novel yet from the writer Publishers Weekly has called "today's Dostoevsky of crime literature." Mickey Haller is a...