While the nation and the world, for that matter, were on the brink of collapse, Seria was in a remote location. Hidden in the high mountains somewhere in the West. She was practicing and implementing the old knowledge Lady GiGi had spoken about earlier. These teachings were the last resort of mankind. Her task? To raise the vibration and energy of all humans. How? She would go into a very deep trance-like state and visualize the strongest of emotions, love.
She would sit for hours at a time and raise people's awareness of the dark force that was keeping them in bondage. The old teachings tell us that we never die, well, that is our soul never dies. That we reincarnate time and time again to learn lessons from our past lives. Lessons that help our souls to grow and become more connected with the source of who we are. One with the source of all that is. Becoming more compassionate, loving, and understanding with one another. This is the ultimate goal of the soul. By raising your vibration to this level, it will destroy the dark side, the Diedon regime, and all it holds. The Diedon regime knows this and that is why they are afraid of this child and the power she has. That is why they need to stop her, or they know they are done.