The Life of Edward E. Ayer is a biography written by Frank C. Lockwood. The book tells the story of Edward E. Ayer, a prominent businessman and philanthropist who lived during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Ayer was born in 1841 and grew up in a wealthy family in Chicago...
The Life of Edward E. Ayer is a biography written by Frank C. Lockwood that chronicles the life of Edward E. Ayer. Ayer was a prominent businessman and philanthropist in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, known for his extensive collection of Native American artifacts and...
The Life of Edward E. Ayer is a biography written by Frank C. Lockwood that chronicles the life and achievements of Edward E. Ayer, a prominent businessman and philanthropist in the late 19th and early 20th century. This edition is printed in large font, making it easier to read...