An Exhilarating and fast-paced read through a world of outlaw bikers and a life of sex, drugs and rock and roll. Tommy was born into a life of desperation and crime. Nobody would hear his cries for help. His only saving grace, his six-foot-seven grandfather, Henry. His mother, a six-foot amazon was a full-time drunk and a biker whore and had a mean-streak fitting for a man. She was incredibly cruel and violent.
Tommy's grandfather feared neither his mother nor her biker friends and kept tommy and his sister safe from harm's way. Tommy loved his grandpa and the security he gave him until one day that all came crashing to an end. Tommy had nowhere and no one to turn to. Tommy learned his way the only way he could, through odd jobs, thievery, and selling drugs. He did all he could to help his sister from his mother's abuse, even if it meant him taking the beatings for her. His dedication, loyalty and feelings for his grandpa, his sister and his gang of friends he hung with gives him a clear layer of his sensitivity and depth. You can't help but to root for the kid, even when he did absolutely despicable things like throwing a cat out the window to see if it would land on his feet or steal from people who tried to help him. The abuse from his mother went on for years, until one day, Tommy had had enough. He snapped when she started beating him that day and he laughed like a mad man. He took the whip she was beating him with and started beating himself with it, laughing all the while. That was a turning point in his life, breaking free from his mother's grasp. His only problem...May, his little sister. She was still too young to stand up to her mother. family didn't believe him or May when it came to his mother's wrath. They turned a blind eye when it came to her children. So, Tommy did what Tommy knew, he became Tommy Kaos. This rollicking, fun read is also a nostalgic trip through pop culture of the late seventies, early eighties, which lends it a lot of color and atmosphere. You'll really want to read it to take a trip on the wild side of biker life.