In Mexico, the poinsettia is called flor de la Nochebuenao flower of the Holy Night. At Christmastime, the flower blooms and flourishes, the quite exquisite red stars lighting up the countryside. This Mexican legend tells how the poinsettia came to be, through a little girl's...
Esta antigua leyenda tradicional mexicana relata el origen m?tico de la flor que en M?xico se conoce con el nombre popular de "Nochebuena". Hace mucho tiempo una peque?a ni?a viv?a junto a su madre, a quien el p?rroco de la iglesia local le hab?a encargado tejer una cobija para...
When Lucida is unable to finish her gift for the Baby Jesus in time for the Christmas procession, a miracle enables her to offer the beautiful flower we now call the poinsettia.
Called la flor de la Nochebuena--the flower of the Holy Night--in Mexico, the poinsettia blooms at Christmastime, the symbol of a little girl's unselfish gift to the Christ Child. With illustrations that capture the brilliant colors of Mexico as well as the magic and excitement...