The classic genre-defining whodunit, by the mother of the detective novel Introducing the first American series detective, Ebenezer Gryce, The Leavenworth Case was published nine years before the debut of Sherlock Holmes, and made author Anna Katharine Green an enormously popular...
Horatio Leavenworth, Esq., a millionaire, is murdered in his library while he is engaged in reviewing a book he plans to publish. He was shot cleanly in the back of the head (with his own pistol), meaning that he did not turn his head when his assassin entered the room. This...
FOR a few minutes I sat dazed by the sudden flood of light greeting me from the many open windows; then, as the strongly contrasting features of the scene before me began to impress themselves upon my consciousness, I found myself experiencing something of the same sensation...
The Leavenworth Case
The Leavenworth Case (1878), subtitled A Lawyer's Story, is an American detective novel and the first novel by Anna Katharine Green. Set in New York City, it concerns the murder of a retired merchant, Horatio Leavenworth, in his New York mansion. The popular novel introduced...
The Leavenworth Case (1878), subtitled A Lawyer's Story, is an American detective novel and the first novel by Anna Katharine Green. Set in New York City, it concerns the murder of a retired merchant, Horatio Leavenworth, in his New York mansion. The popular novel introduced...
"First published in 1878, nine years before the debut of Sherlock Holmes in A Study in Scarlet, this atmospheric and suspenseful mystery well deserves a modern audience." -- Publishers Weekly
Horatio Leavenworth, a wealthy merchant and pillar of nineteenth-century...
One of New York City's richest retirees is found dead in his library, making his family and closest friends the focus of the investigation. This is a classic case of whodunit that forces the reader to expect the unexpected. Horatio Leavenworth was a successful merchant...
This book is a result of an effort made by us towards making a contribution to the preservation and repair of original classic literature. In an attempt to preserve, improve and recreate the original content, we have worked towards: 1. Type-setting & Reformatting: The complete...
The Leavenworth Case, published in 1878, was the first detective novel written by a woman and one of the first modern bestsellers. It sold a quarter of a million copies, and earned its author, Anna Katherine Green, the title of "The Mother of the Detective Novel". This first...