Renowned playwright Eugene O'Neill composed this work in 1940 to comfort his wife about the death of their Dalmatian, Blemie. Better known for his despairing and pessimistic dramas, O'Neill's touching piece, written in the voice of the dying pet, is somehow uplifting and joyous...
The perfect gift for every dog owner.
A beautiful and compassionate rendering of Eugene O'Neill's original poem, The Last Will and Testament of an Extremely Distinguished Dog is the perfect comfort for anyone grieving the loss of their furry friend. Those who have suffered the loss of a long-lived canine companion...
Cuando en 1940 el dramaturgo Eugene O' Neill perdi a su perro Blemie, decidi escribir este breve texto con el fin de encontrar consuelo para l y su esposa. En forma de testamento y ltimas voluntades, O' Neill imagina los recuerdos y pensamientos de su fiel amigo en sus...
The perfect gift for every dog owner. In the early 1940s, famed playwright Eugene O'Neill wrote a moving piece of prose about his dog, Silverdene Emblem O'Neill (Blemie). In The Last Will and Testament of an Extremely Distinguished Dog, O'Neill eloquently and compassionately...