Rene Renal Belizaire--poet, painter, writer, engineer--will forever engrave in your mind a realistic, genuine aspect of Haitian life. He has captured the essence of spirituality, the power it plays in our lives, and its evolution in his family. His artistic soul has reached out to bring any reader to the heart of his family while focusing on his mother, Carmen, who was a matriarch of this family of eight. She was orphaned early in life. Her mom, on her deathbed, assured those around her that God would take care of Carmen. The power of prayer was on Carmen's life as you will be riveted to capture all she accomplished and how. Without any formal education, she raised eight well-educated citizen professionals from Petion-Ville, a small town in Haiti. The story is told with candor and a pure simplicity, making it an easy reading as it teaches much about the Haitian culture and the daily struggle for survival.