The Last Picture Show (1966) is both a rambunctious coming-of-age story and an elegy to a forlorn Texas town trying to keep its one movie house alive. Adapted into the Oscar-winning film, this masterpiece immortalizes the lives of the hardscrabble residents who are threatened...
"The Last Picture Show" is one of Larry McMurtry's most powerful, memorable novels -- the basis for the enormously popular movie of the same name. Set in a small, dusty, Texas town, "The Last Picture Show" introduced the characters of Jacy, Duane, and Sonny: teenagers stumbling...
From the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Lonesome Dove comes a powerful coming-of-age novel set in the American West. In Thalia, Texas, Larry McMurtry epitomizes small-town America and through characters reintroduced in Texasville and Duane's Depressed , captures the ecstasy...
The youth of a small town in mid-twentieth-century Texas search for ways to escape boredom and experience life and love.
Sam the Lion runs the pool-hall, the picture house and the all-night caf . Coach Popper whips his boys with towels and once took a shot at one when he disturbed his hunting. Billy wouldn't know better than to sweep his broom all the way to the town limits if no one stopped...
The youth of a small town in mid-twentieth-century Texas search for ways to escape boredom and experience life and love.