The Last Picture Show (1966) is both a rambunctious coming-of-age story and an elegy to a forlorn Texas town trying to keep its one movie house alive. Adapted into the Oscar-winning film, this masterpiece immortalizes the lives of the hardscrabble residents who are threatened...
"The Last Picture Show" is one of Larry McMurtry's most powerful, memorable novels -- the basis for the enormously popular movie of the same name. Set in a small, dusty, Texas town, "The Last Picture Show" introduced the characters of Jacy, Duane, and Sonny: teenagers stumbling...
The youth of a small town in mid-twentieth-century Texas search for ways to escape boredom and experience life and love.
Sam the Lion runs the pool-hall, the picture house and the all-night caf . Coach Popper whips his boys with towels and once took a shot at one when he disturbed his hunting. Billy wouldn't know better than to sweep his broom all the way to the town limits if no one stopped...