Cornwall 1792. Ross plunges into a highly speculative mining venture which threatens not only his family's financial security but also his turbulent marriage to Demelza. When Ross and Elizabeth's old attraction rekindles itself, Demelza retaliates by becoming dangerously involved...
Warleggan presents the gripping fourth novel in Winston Graham's classic Poldark saga, the major TV series from Masterpiece on PBS.
When Ross Poldark plunges into a highly speculative mining venture, he risks not only his family's financial security but...
When Ross and Elizabeth's old attraction rekindles itself, Demelza retaliates by becoming dangerously involved with a Scots cavalry officer. With bankruptcy an increasing possibility, the Poldarks seem to be facing disaster on all fronts.
Warleggan presents the gripping fourth novel in Winston Graham's classic Poldark saga, the major TV series from Masterpiece on PBS.
When Ross Poldark plunges into a highly speculative mining venture, he risks not only his family's financial security...