In late-14th-century France, Norman knight Jean de Carrouges (Matt Damon) was stunned when his wife Marguerite (Jodie Comer) leveled an accusation of rape against his squire and best friend Jacques Le Gris (Adam Driver). The events as recounted through the eyes of all three--through...
In late-14th-century France, Norman knight Jean de Carrouges (Matt Damon) was stunned when his wife Marguerite (Jodie Comer) leveled an accusation of rape against his squire and best friend Jacques Le Gris (Adam Driver). The events as recounted through the eyes of all three--through...
In late-14th-century France, Norman knight Jean de Carrouges (Matt Damon) was stunned when his wife Marguerite (Jodie Comer) leveled an accusation of rape against his squire and best friend Jacques Le Gris (Adam Driver). The events as recounted through the eyes of all three--through...
The Last Duel is a gripping tale of betrayal and vengeance set against the brutality of 14th century France
The Last Duel is a gripping tale of betrayal and vengeance set against the brutality of 14th century France
The Last Duel is a gripping tale of betrayal and vengeance set against the brutality of 14th century France