The trial and death of Socrates (469-399 BCE) have almost as central a place in Western consciousness as the trial and death of Jesus. In four superb dialogues, Plato provides the classic account. Euthyphro finds Socrates outside the court-house, debating the nature of piety,...
"Consider just this, and give your minds to this alone: whether or not what I say is just" Plato's account of Socrates' trial and death (399 BC) is a significant moment in Classical literature and the life of Classical Athens. In these four dialogues, Plato develops...
The Dialogues of Plato (427-347 B.C.) rank with the writings of Aristotle as the most important and influential philosophical works in Western thought. In them Plato cast his teacher Socrates as the central disputant in colloquies that brilliantly probe a vast spectrum...
The fundamental tetralogy on Socrates' final days.
Plato of Athens, who laid the foundations of the Western philosophical tradition and in range and depth ranks among its greatest practitioners, was born to a prosperous and politically active family circa 427...
The Trial and Death of Socrates is the ideal compendium for a person wanting to learn more about the enigmatic and towering figure of Socrates--the philosopher who has most shaped the western world. This volume contains Euthyphro, The Apology of Socrates, Crito and Ph do...
The Trial and Death of Socrates, by Plato, is a timeless piece dealing with themes that are applicable to the generations of then, now and those to come. Written in the classic, observant, style of Plato, the book is a compilation of four dialogues that the main character, Socrates,...
The trial of Socrates refers to the trial and the subsequent execution of the Athenian philosopher Socrates in 399 BC. Socrates was tried and convicted by the courts of democratic Athens on a charge of corrupting the youth and disbelieving in the ancestral gods. The trial...
This new edition of The Last Days of Socrates presents Plato's dialogues Euthyphro, Apology, Crito and Phaedo, translated by Benjamin Jowett.
This new edition of The Trial and Death of Socrates: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito and Phaedo presents Benjamin Jowett's classic translations, as revised by Enhanced Media Publishing. A number of new or expanded annotations are also included.
Considered one of the most influential writings in Western philosophy, the account of the Trial and Death of Socrates is described in a series of four of the most famous dialogues in the world. Plato presents the argument for defining 'piety' in Euthyphro, the defense of Socrates'...
As the indisputable father of Western philosophy, Socrates stands as the archetype of free inquiry and intellectual honesty throughout history. He dared to explore the minds of men, to analyze the content of cherished beliefs, and to distinguish knowledge and truth from opinion...
Socrates spent a lifetime analyzing ethical issues, and the Euthyphro finds him outside the court-house, still debating the nature of piety with an arrogant acquaintance. The Apology is both a robust rebuttal to the charges of impiety and corrupting young minds and a definitive...
Among the most important and influential philosophical works in Western thought: Euthyphro, exploring the concepts and aims of piety and religion; Apology, a defense of the integrity of Socrates' teachings; Crito, exploring Socrates' refusal to flee his death sentence; and Phaedo,...
The trial and death of Socrates (469-399 BCE) have almost as central a place in Western consciousness as the trial and death of Jesus. In four superb dialogues, Plato provides the classic account.
This newly revised and annotated edition of The Trial and Death of Socrates from Logos Books includes the four Platonic dialogues Euthyphro, Apology, Crito and Phaedo.
"The European philosophical tradition. . .consists of a series of footnotes to Plato." -- Alfred North Whitehead The dialogues of Plato stand alongside the Bible and Homer's Iliad and Odyssey as foundational texts of Western civilization. The works...
The Last Days of Socrates presents Plato's dialogues Euthyphro, Apology, Crito and Phaedo.