It is the early 1990s when it begins: college student Jimmy Christophe begins hearing voices coming from his air conditioner. Soon after, the devil comes to town in the guise of Darius Algernon, and he is after someone special: Jimmy Christophe, the one person in the world who can help him regain his former station in Heaven.
As Algernon and Christophe's paths converge, we meet Guy Long, an immortal Roman living under a curse loosed on him by a certain Son of God two thousand years ago. There are angels and demons of various allegiances. And then there's Bootsy Spittle, a libidinous dream clown. Amidst the chaos that unfolds, Algernon reveals that he wants Christophe for the ultimate temp job. What's Christophe stand to gain? What does he stand to lose? It is Satan he's dealing with here...
The Last Dark Place is a comedy of forgotten knowledge, friendship, love, redemption, reunion, and air conditioning. Read it and find out what they never taught you in Sunday school.