After graduating from high school in 1954, Bobby Solano's future seemed extremely limited. He was descended from generations of Minorcans living in and around the nation's oldest city of St. Augustine, Florida. As a young child and teenager, he followed in the footsteps of his beloved Pop, searching the beach for mullet and turtle eggs, hunting hogs, and gopher turtles. These experiences taught him that hard work, determination, and taking swift action could put food on the table. As he put the lessons of his youth to work as an adult, Bobby Solano-The Last Beach Boy-achieved success beyond his wildest dreams.
This remarkable success story includes fascinating tales of Bobby Solano's youthful adventures, his ties to the Minorcan culture, and how he was able to recognize opportunity when it knocked and embraced it with open arms. Throughout his life, Bobby Solano met each challenge with boundless passion and energy. His life may be viewed as a rags-to-riches story, but it is in essence, an American success story.