The Lady Vanishes is a British mystery thriller film directed by Alfred Hitchcock, starring Margaret Lockwood and Michael Redgrave. English tourist Iris Henderson (Margaret Lockwood) and her friends Blanche (Googie Withers) and Julie (Sally Stewart) are returning home from a...
The Lady Vanishes is a British mystery thriller film directed by Alfred Hitchcock, starring Margaret Lockwood and Michael Redgrave. English tourist Iris Henderson (Margaret Lockwood) and her friends Blanche (Googie Withers) and Julie (Sally Stewart) are returning home from a...
The Lady Vanishes is a British mystery thriller film directed by Alfred Hitchcock, starring Margaret Lockwood and Michael Redgrave. English tourist Iris Henderson (Margaret Lockwood) and her friends Blanche (Googie Withers) and Julie (Sally Stewart) are returning home from a...
The Lady Vanishes is a British mystery thriller film directed by Alfred Hitchcock, starring Margaret Lockwood and Michael Redgrave. English tourist Iris Henderson (Margaret Lockwood) and her friends Blanche (Googie Withers) and Julie (Sally Stewart) are returning home from a...