Spanning Jazz Age Paris to modern-day American, The Ladies of the Secret Circus is a decadent and magical tale of family secrets and lost love set against the backdrop of an extraordinary circus from the author of A Witch in Time. "[A] page-turning...
Spanning Jazz Age Paris to modern-day American, The Ladies of the Secret Circus is a decadent and magical tale of family secrets and lost love set against the backdrop of an extraordinary circus from the author of A Witch in Time. "[A] page-turning...
From the author of A Witch in Time comes a magical story spanning from Jazz Age Paris to modern-day America of family secrets, sacrifice, and lost love set against the backdrop of a mysterious circus.Paris, 1925: To enter the Secret Circus is to enter...
From the author of A Witch in Time comes a magical story spanning from Jazz Age Paris to modern-day America of family secrets, sacrifice, and lost love set against the backdrop of a mysterious circus.Paris, 1925: To enter the Secret Circus is to enter...
Paris, 1925: Entering the Secret Circus means entering a world of wonders. A world where women weave illusions of magnificent beasts, carousels transport you to the past, and trapeze artists float in the sky. Tied to her family's circus, it is the only world that Cecile Cabot...