Deep and truthful. To truly gain knowledge of who God is is given by the Most Holy Himself. Tozer spells it out. I love all of his works.
If you want a more intimate relationship with the holy God of Israel, this is the go-to book!! Tozer is one my favorite authors/pastors; truly a man given wholly to God!!
This A.W. Tozer Classic is a great edition to any christian’s library. With short poignant yet rich chapters that contemplate I AM and what we can know of HIM is only what HE has revealed to us and only to the extent in which we are able to understand.
Tozer calls us to a deeper and more meaningful relationshiip with the only true God--our Creator!
This book is like an oasis in the middle of our busy lives. Here we get closer to God because we learn to know Him and thus, to love Him. This book reminds us that we are not to mistake God for a nice fellow whose job is to help us out. No, this one is an earth-shaking book. It inspires awe in the hearts of the fainted, it awakes you from your self-deluding day-dreams. By describing His attributes (holiness, immutability,...