During the reign of the Emperor Charlemagne, early in the ninth century, an elite Paladin knight escorts a beautiful Bohemian princess into the neighboring kingdom of Moravia. Motives behind the secretive mission unfold as the cavalcade progresses into the domain of the corrupt Moravian king. Assailed by treachery, the Paladin's mission will reveal not only the indomitable power of love and truth, but also the ethical and humanitarian nature of authentic leadership.
The Knight's Motto exemplifies Cobb's high moral compass as a writer, and his genius for a cracking good yarn. One of his very last novels, it reflects the author's infatuation with European romance, inspired by his youthful tour of the Mediterranean with the United States Navy.
Furin Chime's Vanishing Literature Series revives notable popular works of the past for a modern readership. The work has been meticulously re-edited, with typographical corrections of the 1887 edition, until now available only in scanned or machine-read copy. Includes an editorial preface and chapter endnotes to clarify archaic and unusual expressions.