J.R. Ward's # 1 New York Times bestselling Black Dagger Brotherhood continues as a royal bloodline is compromised by a grave threat to the throne. Long live the King... After turning his back on the throne for centuries, Wrath, son of Wrath,...
J.R. Ward's # 1 "New York Times "bestselling Black Dagger Brotherhood continues as a royal bloodline is compromised by a grave threat to the throne. "Long live the King " After turning his back on the throne for centuries, Wrath, son of Wrath, finally assumed his father s mantle--with...
Duod?cima entrega de la exitosa serie de romance paranormal La Hermandad de la Daga Negra . El linaje real corre peligro debido a una grave amenaza al trono... Larga vida al rey... Despu?s de haberle dado la espalda al trono durante siglos,...