A highly exciting adventure story featuring James Schuyler Grim, better known as Jimgrim. Jimgrim is an American secret service agent employed by the British and stationed in Jerusalem. With him are his faithful sikh shadow, an American and an ex-soldier of the Australian forces,...
An adventure story featuring James Schuyler Grim, better known as Jimgrim. Jimgrim is an American secret service agent employed by the British and stationed in Jerusalem. With him are his faithful sikh shadow, an American and an ex-soldier of the Australian forces, all eager...
A highly exciting adventure story featuring James Schuyler Grim, better known as Jimgrim. Jimgrim is an American secret service agent employed by the British and stationed in Jerusalem. With him are his faithful sikh shadow, Narayan Singh, as well as Ramsden, an American, and...
Affair in Araby Talbot Mundy James Schuyler Grim, better known as "Jimgrim," is employed by the British secret service and stationed in Jerusalem, matching wits and weapons with the French financed conspirators out to destabilize Syrian King with a forged order to massacre the...
A highly exciting adventure story featuring James Schuyler Grim, better known as Jimgrim. Jimgrim is an American secret service agent employed by the British and stationed in Jerusalem. With him are his faithful sikh shadow, an American and an ex-soldier of the Australian forces,...
A highly exciting adventure story featuring James Schuyler Grim, better known as Jimgrim. Jimgrim is an American secret service agent employed by the British and stationed in Jerusalem. With him are his faithful sikh shadow, an American and an ex-soldier of the Australian forces,...
Affair in Araby
Affair In Araby This book is a result of an effort made by us towards making a contribution to the preservation and repair of original classic literature. In an attempt to preserve, improve and recreate the original content, we have worked towards: 1. Type-setting & Reformatting:...
The French ambitions in Syria are provoking the hostility of Arab's king Feisal. Disappointed with unfulfilled promises of the Allies in the Great War, King Feisal is decisive to interfere with French interests in the Middle East, and the French are out to kill him. Jimgrim is...
Talbot Mundy (born William Lancaster Gribbon) (April 23, 1879 - August 5, 1940) was an English writer. He also wrote under the pseudonym Walter Galt. Born in London, at age 16 he ran away from home and began an odyssey in India, Africa, and other parts of the Near and Far East...