Legendary actor Charlie Chaplin stars as The Little Tramp who stumbles upon an abandoned baby in the alley and takes him into his care, in this landmark silent film. As "the kid" (Jackie Coogan) grows older, they become partners in crime, until one day when the child falls ill...
Legendary actor Charlie Chaplin stars as The Little Tramp who stumbles upon an abandoned baby in the alley and takes him into his care, in this landmark silent film. As "the kid" (Jackie Coogan) grows older, they become partners in crime, until one day when the child falls ill...
Jimmy Albright is a young athlete with a passion for boxing. His mentor, Harry Sloan, an aging trainer and former boxer, sees Jimmy's potential, not only as a boxer but also as a young man. With Harry's guidance, Jimmy trains and fights his way to the top of his division. All...
In this thrilling Western, a young boy, Rio (Jake Schur), is forced to go on the run across the American Southwest in a desperate attempt to save his sister (Leila George) from his villainous uncle (Chris Pratt). Along the way, he encounters Sheriff Pat Garrett (Ethan Hawke),...
Legendary actor Charlie Chaplin stars as The Little Tramp who stumbles upon an abandoned baby in the alley and takes him into his care, in this landmark silent film. As "the kid" (Jackie Coogan) grows older, they become partners in crime, until one day when the child falls ill...
Legendary actor Charlie Chaplin stars as The Little Tramp who stumbles upon an abandoned baby in the alley and takes him into his care, in this landmark silent film. As "the kid" (Jackie Coogan) grows older, they become partners in crime, until one day when the child falls ill...
In this thrilling Western, a young boy, Rio (Jake Schur), is forced to go on the run across the American Southwest in a desperate attempt to save his sister (Leila George) from his villainous uncle (Chris Pratt). Along the way, he encounters Sheriff Pat Garrett (Ethan Hawke),...
In this thrilling Western, a young boy, Rio (Jake Schur), is forced to go on the run across the American Southwest in a desperate attempt to save his sister (Leila George) from his villainous uncle (Chris Pratt). Along the way, he encounters Sheriff Pat Garrett (Ethan Hawke),...