How do I find myself and purpose within the challenges, expectations and uncertainty of this life? This is the burning question in my mind. The question that never goes away, never gets fully answered and always gets me to the next question. I am probably not destined to answer this question, partly because I see my life as a journey of experience, knowledge, growth and self actualization.
I do not see my life as an expectation or a destination.
When it comes to your journey there is no right or wrong approach, timeline or progress. What is of importance is that we stay aware of the journey, stay aware of the fact that we are always en route and that we will never arrive. We never arrive because this journey has no destination, it only has experience. Most of what we experience results from our lack of control. If you think about it, the only variable we can control is our attitude, choices and actions. Trying to control anything outside of yourself would be a futile exercise and frankly, a waste of time and energy.