God's gift of the Bible is a source of divine wisdom that helps answer many problems and perplexities of human existence. This is especially true of the Book of Proverbs.
These proverbs, however, have no orderly arrangement. The maxims and precepts are presented in the ancient Hebrew way of seeing a wise teacher as a bubbling spring of wisdom.
These profound sayings tumbled from the teacher's lips in profusion and at random. Yet, they reveal an abundance of knowledge on many subjects.
This lack of organization, however, can be challenging for modern readers. Grouping the proverbs under various headings is the best way to achieve rational coherence of thought.
Such a topical treatment has been provided here in The Key to the Proverbs.
Author Richard L. Atkins, a native Floridian who teaches classes in his Orlando church, makes extensive use of his written resources as well as detailed illustrations he has drawn to aid these studies.
In 2018, he was featured as the "World's Best-Prepared Sunday School Teacher" in the national publication Nurturing Faith Journal.