The story of Mowgli, the abandoned "man-cub" who is brought up by wolves in the jungles of Central India, is one of the greatest literary myths ever created. As he embarks on a series of thrilling escapades, Mowgli encounters such unforgettable creatures as the bear Baloo, the...
Rudyard Kipling's beloved collection of short stories about a boy raised by wolves who learns the Laws of the Jungle. Mowgli, lost in the deep jungle as a child, is adopted into a family of wolves. Hunted by Shere Khan, the Bengal tiger, Mowgli is allowed to run with the wolf...
The Jungle Books, regarded as classic stories told by an adult to children and best known for the "Mowgli" series, also constitutes a complex literary work of art in which the whole of Kipling's philosophy of life is expressed in miniature. The stories, a mixture of fantasy,...
First published in 1894 and 1895, The Jungle Books remain some of the most beloved tales of all time. Adored by readers of all ages, these classic stories in two volumes spin the unforgettable story of Mowgli--a boy raised by a pack of wolves--as he learns indelible lessons about...
The story of the man-cub Mowgli who is raised by wolves in the Indian jungle, guided by his mentors Baloo the bear, Bagheera the black panther and the ancient python Kaa, and who confronts his arch-enemy Shere Khan the tiger, is one of the greatest literary myths ever created...
You know The Jungle Book--but you've never seen it quite like this
First published in 1894 and 1895, The Jungle Books remain some of the most beloved tales of all time. Adored by readers of all ages, these classic stories in two volumes spin the unforgettable story of Mowgli--a boy raised by a pack of wolves--as he learns indelible lessons about...
The Jungle Books , by Rudyard Kipling , is part of the Barnes & Noble Classics series, which offers quality editions at affordable prices to the student and the general reader, including new scholarship, thoughtful design, and pages of carefully crafted extras. Here are some...
Entre el viaje inici tico y la novela de aventuras, la obra maestra de Kipling es una de las grandes narraciones de todos los tiempos. «La selva tiene muchas lenguas. Yo me las s todas. La presente edici n re ne los dos libros que conforman una de...
Imagine growing up among wolves, being friends with a panther and a bear, and hunting the most fearsome animal in the wild-the man-killing tiger Shere Khan. Rudyard Kipling portrays the exciting and adventurous jungle upbringing of Mowgli in this timeless classic. Still amazingly...
"The Jungle Books", which includes Rudyard Kipling's "The Jungle Book" and "The Second Jungle Book" is a classic collection of fables with animal characters used to teach moral lessons. Among the most famous are the stories of Mowgli, a 'man-cub' raised by wolves in the Indian...
"Spectacular, full-color watercolor paintings by the late American illustrator Don Daily bring this presentation of the classic story to life in an exciting new way. Readers ages 4 to 8 will delight in"
"Spectacular, full-color watercolor paintings by the late American illustrator Don Daily bring this presentation of the classic story to life in an exciting new way. Readers ages 4 to 8 will delight in"
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original...
The stories and poems in the Jungle Book (1894) and the Second Jungle book (1895) primarily tell of Mowgli, a young woodcutter's son taken in by by a group of animals.
The Jungle Books, regarded as classis stories told by an adult to children and best known for the "Mowgli" series, also constitutes a complex literary work of art in which the whole of Kipling's philosophy of life is expressed in miniature. The stories, a mixture of fantasy,...
Imagine growing up among wolves, being friends with a panther and a bear, and hunting the most fearsome animal in the wild--the man-killing tiger Shere Khan. Rudyard Kipling portrays the exciting and adventurous jungle upbringing of Mowgli in this timeless classic. Still amazingly...