The Journey: Staying on the Path is a book written to encourage, instruct, and educate the church body in the fundamentals of the Christian faith. It was written with new believers in mind, but certainly has enough "meat" for the seasoned Christain as well. Discussed in this book are the concepts of prayer, Bible reading, faith, church (and church people ), serving, and even sin. Salvation isn't the end of the road for a believer wanting to please God, but rather is just the beginning. We'll investigate ideas, mindsets, and doctrines. However, we will also look at practical and "boots on the ground" steps that can be implemented in the believer's life to acheive victory in life difficulties.
As a Christian, I wish that much of this information had been available to me during my formative years after giving my life to God. I believe God directed me to use that wish to give the body of Christ (the church) some practical and biblical steps for discipleship. I hope this book can be an encouragement and useful tool for Christians everywhere to successfully navigate their walk with God.