In ancient times, the ability to tap into this superior wisdom through sex magic was transmitted to rulers by a cuen or hierodule. These two serpents were known to those who practiced the Indian form of the rite, known as tantra, as Ida and Pingala. The ancient Egyptians believed that one serpent was black and the other gold. The cuen was a shaman skilled in evoking and awakening the two energetic serpents which, during sexual intercourse, would rise and interweave up through the human body.
It was understood by the wise sages of those times that Sovereignty is an actual magical force that arises from the spirits of the land, otherwise known as the Fae, the Gentry, the Sidhe or the Faeries, who are of an Elder and wiser race which inhabits a timeless zone within the parallel dimensions.
In this book, you will also learn how to benefit from sacred shamanic sex today.
This book lays out in detail how shamanic sex has been used, throughout history, to prepare pharaohs, kings, stars, and sultans for Sovereignty. This is because it is a shamanic technique that leads alchemically to superior intelligence and self-empowerment which is a direct result of interacting with beings who inhabit a parallel universe to this one - another dimension -from whom man has traditionally gained his knowledge about his place and purpose on Earth and in the cosmos.
Buy the book now.