Set in the future, "The Iron Heel" describes a world in which the division between the classes has deepened, creating a powerful Oligarchy that retains control through terror. A manuscript by rebel Avis Everhard is recovered in an even more distant future, and analyzed by scholar...
Part science fiction, part dystopian fantasy, part radical socialist tract, Jack London's The Iron Heel offers a grim depiction of warfare between the classes in America and around the globe. Originally published nearly a hundred years ago, it anticipated many features...
The Iron Heel is a dystopian novel by American writer Jack London. Considered to be one of the earliest of the modern Dystopian novels it tells the story of the rise of an oligarchic tyranny in the United States.Any profits generated from the sale of this book will go towards...
The Iron Heel (1907) is a novel by American writer Jack London. A groundbreaking work of dystopian science fiction, The Iron Heel was inspired by London's socialist views and belief in an eventual global upheaval. Although his predictions proved wrong for the...
First published in 1907, "The Iron Heel" is Jack London's dystopian novel about the rise of an oligarchic tyranny in the United States. Displaying the socialist views that were held by London himself and that were prevalent at the beginning of the 20th century, "The Iron Heel"...
The Iron Heel by Jack London
The Iron Heel is a dystopian novel by American writer Jack London, first published in 1908.Generally considered to be "the earliest of the modern Dystopian", it chronicles the rise of an oligarchic tyranny in the United States. It is arguably the novel in which Jack London's...
Complete and unabridged paperback edition
THE IRON HEEL By JACK LONDON - (Fine Print Edition)Publication date:1908
Written in 1908, this visionary novel about class struggle anticipates the political upheavals of the 1930s and beyond.
2020 Reprint of the 1907 Edition. The Iron Heel is generally considered to be an early example of the modern dystopian fiction genre, The novel chronicles the rise of an oligarchic tyranny in the United States. Jack London's socialist views are explicitly on display in this...
The Iron Heel is a dystopian novel by American writer Jack London, first published in 1908. Generally considered to be the earliest of the modern Dystopian novels, it chronicles the rise of an oligarchic tyranny in the United States. It is arguably the novel in which Jack London's...
The Iron Heel treads upon the faces of the poor. Determined to crush the working class at any cost, the brutal dictatorship incites a paranoid atmosphere of witch-hunting hysteria, employing gangs of thugs to stifle free speech. Avis Everhard, wife of a labor leader, narrates...