Get up and running on the Internet--the fast and easy way If you're an Internet newcomer and want to get up to speed without all the intimidating technical jargon, The Internet For Dummies has you covered. With over 5,000,000 copies sold*, The Internet For Dummies is the #1 choice...
Get in and get right out with just the information you need -- without reading tons of extra material! Book jacket.
ISPs. URLs. DSL. If you're new to the Internet, all that technobabble can be confusing. Relax With the friendly advice and plain-English explanations in this bestselling guide, you'll soon be swapping e-mails, sending instant messages, surfing the Web, managing your money online...
The latest update to a perennial bestseller gets you up and running on the Internet Now in its lucky thirteenth edition, this peerless book has outsold and outlasted all the competition. Veteran authors John Levine and Margaret Young return with an updated road map to both the...
Acceda al mundo en l nea con la edici n m s nueva del recurso m s vendido para el uso del internet La 10a edici n de La Internet Para Dummies est revisada para cubrir los aspectos b sicos de la Internet para empezar a hacer cosas. Descubra c mo hacer una conexi n a Internet,...
Get in and get right out with just the information you need -- without reading tons of extra material! Book jacket.
Get in and get right out with just the information you need -- without reading tons of extra material! Book jacket.
Everywhere you turn, you can find traces of the Internet. Household products, business cards, radio shows, and movie credits list their Web site address sites (starting with "www" and usually ending with "dot com") and their e-mail addresses. The Internet is a new communications...
Get in and get right out with just the information you need -- without reading tons of extra material! Book jacket.
Features updated coverage of high-speed connections, home networks, and more Your fun and easy guide to the Web, e-mail, chat, and instant messaging The Internet seems to be everywhere these days, with those "www" Web addresses cropping up all over. But what if you're new to...
You know it's out there, but you don't really know where. You've heard thatit can be a lot of fun and extremely useful, but you don't know where tostart. While everyone's talking about the Internet, not all that many peopleactually know how it works. For those who don't know...
Covering the latest tools and techniques to get you up and running on the Internet in no time, The Internet For Dummies, 7th Edition Starter Kit delivers plain-English explanations describing how to go online. The seventh edition of this best-seller has been updated to focus...
A todas partes que mire, puede encontrar rastros de la Internet. Productos domesticos, tarjetas de negocios, espectaculos de radio, y creditos de peliculas anuncian las direcciones de sus sitios en la Web (que empiezan con "www" y por lo general terminan con "punto com") y sus...
Over the past fifteen years, the Internet has had an enormous impact on communication and commerce all over the world. With a growing and diverse population of internet users out there, the world has definitely become a smaller place. Over 450 million people use the Internet...
Get in and get right out with just the information you need -- without reading tons of extra material! Book jacket.
Cobertura actualizada conexiones de alta velocidad, redes para el hogar y mas. Su guia facil y divertida para la Web, correo electronico, chat, y mensajeria instantanea La Internet en estos dias parece estar en todos lados, con esas direcciones Web "www" surgiendo de pronto por...
Now updated to cover the latest browsers, including Internet Explorer 7 and the newest version of Firefox Packed with new information on the latest Internet trends, including talking over the Internet using Skype, having fun on MySpace, building a simple Web page, sharing photos...
Don't miss the 12th edition of this bestseller, fully updated and now covering social networking Sixteen years since the publication of the first edition, this smash hit book has outsold and outlasted all the competition. See what all the excitement is about with the newest edition,...