What would it feel like if you realized that from the very beginning, you were designed to look for, to find, and to receive God? That you were designed to awaken to reality? How would it feel to know that this would definitely happen in your lifetime, because you were made to accomplish this very thing? Rather than encouraging us to seek God, Jason Shulman believes we need only make ourselves available to receive God, who is always present and awaiting...
"This book does not encourage false forays into imaginary worlds where there is no suffering of any sort, where some magical notion of spirit has whitewashed reality into a palatable dollop. Instead, the words in this book seek to awaken you to the truth of God, that perspective and level of integration that allow you to be separate and one with the universe at the same time. It seeks to put life into perspective and to make...
If God is - Always-Present-Everywhere - and is most desirious of being Found, then our Relationship with this Being is unalterably different from the way that most of us approach it. This is a book that is profound in its simplicity, its depth and its wisdom. It is a human roadmap to that which is paradoxically both BEYOND US and yet at the same time may quite possibly represent our ultimate Identity. In my opinion, it is...
I feel happy that there is a book that makes known the true kindness of God: That God embraces the human condition just as it is and we can be with God just as we are. This book is written with a living and embodied wisdom by someone who understands our deep need for a relationship with God that lets us relax and be ourselves. It is also written with great kindness towards the condition(s) we find ourselves in as human...
Jason's new book is like the clear scent of a flower calling us home. As my dad and my first husband were dying they both said the same thing: "It's time to go home." Listening to each I thought, "Why can't I go home while I am still alive?" This book opens to us that way home, not by re-making our life into something other than what it is, but by guiding us as we take every bit and morsel of it as the nourishment we need...
This book is filled with kindness and wisdom, heart and hope. It answers many of our deepest questions, questions about life, suffering, spiritual growth, the presence of God and enlightenment. A book to treasure. Probably one of the most important spiritual books to appear in recent years.