As above, so below, as within, so without, as in ancient times, so now. Although Campbell's writing is sometimes convoluted, and/or grammatically wanting in some cases, the message, with sparse but extremely informative illustrations is a fascinating spiral of affinities between mysteries, between nations, between eons, ad infinitum. The message is not only read, but it is absorbed by osmosis. For anyone who desires to know...
In THE INNER REACHES OF OUTER SPACE Joseph Campbell repeats some of the familiar observations of his earlier works in which he shows how certain mythic motifs can be found buried in all of the world's religious traditions. The similarities may not be easily recognized because the same motifs are usually understood and developed in different ways because of cultural differences. These repetitive motifs are called elementary...
"Mythology may, in a real sense, be defined as other people's religion," Joseph Campbell observes in his recently released book, THOU ART THAT (2001); "and religion may, in a sense, be understood as a popular misunderstanding of mythology" (p. 8). In this reissued collection of lectures delivered between 1981 to 1984 (originally published in 1986), Campbell travels through inner and outer space to explore that premise in...
This book was--the back cover says--Campbell's last. I can imagine Campbell working on the manuscript between conversations with Bill Moyers: it feels like this book works out some of the open questions raised in The Power of Myth.What a brilliant book! By turns thought-provoking and breathtaking, I found myself rethinking many long-held ideas. And this for someone who has read and seen many Campbell works in the past.The...
A brilliant restatement of Campbell's ideas regarding mythology, life, and the human psyche. Written with a sense of urgency in the face of our generally literal-minded, rationalistic, linear way of thinking (in the West), Campbell focuses on the metaphoric value of myth, science, anthropology, history, and so on. A must read for Campbell enthusiasts, and for anyone wishing to have a dimension of mystery in life.