I LOVE Ellis, but at the same time a lot of his books have some sereous flaws. Glamorama and American Psycho have a lot of great moments and scenes but also always bore the hell out of me at some points, becouse these books actually repeat the same unnecessary routine again and again. But "The Informers" is the book I find perfect for Ellis. You see, it is quite short, the characters and themes change frequently and the...
This book isn't like american psycho, much closer to less than zero. takes a look at los angeles life, and the overwhelming shallowness of it. The vampires are a bit...um...out of place i think, but still pretty good, and sense i am a fan of Anne Rice too, i felt at home with stories of vampires. and no, i am not comparing these two writers, you can't.
The only book I had read by Easton Ellis before I read "The Informers" was the notorious "American Psycho". As I'm sure you'll understand, upon encountering this book my expectations were very high. I personally found it hard to get into the narrative style of the story(ies), but once I was in, I couldn't get out. The superficiality of the narrators and protagonists in the book is delightfully constructed by Ellis, as...
Ellis characters in this novel are so well choosed by the author that I think they represent the very essence of his whole work...As usual this personages will disturb you and enchant you the way only Ellis is capable to do.This book is a must for every L.A. lover.
Well this is just a great book! After read all the other book this is a complete book. It has the violence and the sex and then the same atmosphere as in the others. The small stories makes it even funnier to read and then there is a small connection between them. Well READ THIS BOOK!! This is the one that suits me perfect