The Inevitable Millionaires is a novel written by E. Phillips Oppenheim. The story revolves around a young man named John Millinborn who inherits a large sum of money from his father. With his newfound wealth, John sets out to make a name for himself in the world of finance and...
The Inevitable Millionaires is a novel written by E. Phillips Oppenheim, first published in 1913. The story is set in London and revolves around the lives of two young men, Richard French and his friend, Robert Turold. Richard is a struggling artist who dreams of making it big...
At precisely half-past eight o'clock, on a grey February morning, two amiable-looking, middle-aged gentlemen left a medium-sized house of comfortable appearance, in the neighbourhood of Hampstead, and commenced a walk undertaken by them daily, in the interests of health, with...
At precisely half-past eight o'clock, on a grey February morning, two amiable-looking, middle-aged gentlemen left a medium-sized house of comfortable appearance, in the neighbourhood of Hampstead, and commenced a walk undertaken by them daily, in the interests of health, with...