"A mesmerizing story of blackmail, romance, and deception." ASSOCIATED PRESS Drusilla Delaney, the daughter of an impoverished minister, becomes fascinated with the wealthy Framling family--especially with the son and daughter, the mysterious Fabian, and the beautiful, impetuous...
"A mesmerizing story of blackmail, romance, and deception." ASSOCIATED PRESS Drusilla Delaney, the daughter of an impoverished minister, becomes fascinated with the wealthy Framling family--especially with the son and daughter, the mysterious Fabian, and the beautiful, impetuous...
A gothic thriller full of romance, murder, and mayhem. It begins with a priceless heirloom that turns into a horrible curse... A parson's daughter, Druscilla Delaney is enthralled by her wealthy, glamorous neighbors--the Framlings--and their handsome...
Den lille pige Drusilla og hendes to venner Lavinia og Fabian leger gemmeleg p? godset og finder tilf ldigvis en indisk vifte af p?fuglefjer. Rygterne siger, at der knytter sig onde, overnaturlige kr fter til den smukke vifte, men Drusilla v lger alligevel at tage den til sig...
"A mesmerizing story of blackmail, romance, and deception."--Associated Press A parson's daughter, Druscilla Delaney is enthralled by her wealthy, glamorous neighbors--the Framlings--and their handsome son, Fabian. They gift her with a priceless heirloom,...