The Immortal Hour is a two-act drama written by Fiona Macleod and first published in 1908. The play is set in a mythical world of fairies and mortals, where the two worlds intersect and collide. The story revolves around the love triangle between the fairy queen, Etain, a mortal...
The Immortal Hour is a two-act drama written by Fiona Macleod and first published in 1908. The play is set in a mythical world of Celtic legend and tells the story of a mortal man named Eochaidh who falls in love with a fairy princess named Etain. As their love grows, they must...
""The Immortal Hour"" is a two-act drama written by Fiona Macleod and first published in 1908. The play is set in a mythical land called ""The Land of the Young"" and follows the story of a mortal man named Eochaidh who falls in love with a fairy princess named Etain. The play...