The relationship between a daring young chamois hunter from the remote Bernese Oberland and a prosperous miller's daughter living in the comfortable French-speaking Swiss canton of Vaud plays out a complex of themes, such as the instinctive life versus rational civilization and...
In "The Ice-Maiden", written towards the end of his career, Hans Christian Andersen tells the tale of Rudy, a boy who lost both his parents and goes to live with his uncle. The reader is first introduced to Rudy as he sells toy houses made by his grandfather. Rudy grows up to...
Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a Danish author and poet, most famous for his fairy tales. Most English (as well as German and French) sources use the name "Hans Christian Andersen", but in Denmark and the rest of Scandinavia he is usually referred to as merely "H. C...
The Ice Maiden rules the cold snowcapped mountains of Switzerland. Before Rudy was a year old, the Ice Maiden claimed his father into the icy depths of the mountains-and now she wants Rudy too. The precocious little boy must now do everything in his power to resist the lure of...
The Ice Maiden rules the cold snowcapped mountains of Switzerland. Before Rudy was a year old, the Ice Maiden claimed his father into the icy depths of the mountains-and now she wants Rudy too. The precocious little boy must now do everything in his power to resist the lure of...
The Ice Maiden rules the cold snowcapped mountains of Switzerland. Before Rudy was a year old, the Ice Maiden claimed his father into the icy depths of the mountains-and now she wants Rudy too. The precocious little boy must now do everything in his power to resist the lure of...
The Ice Maiden rules the cold snowcapped mountains of Switzerland. Before Rudy was a year old, the Ice Maiden claimed his father into the icy depths of the mountains-and now she wants Rudy too. The precocious little boy must now do everything in his power to resist the lure of...
The Ice Maiden rules the cold snowcapped mountains of Switzerland. Before Rudy was a year old, the Ice Maiden claimed his father into the icy depths of the mountains-and now she wants Rudy too. The precocious little boy must now do everything in his power to resist the lure of...
The Ice Maiden rules the cold snowcapped mountains of Switzerland. Before Rudy was a year old, the Ice Maiden claimed his father into the icy depths of the mountains-and now she wants Rudy too. The precocious little boy must now do everything in his power to resist the lure of...
The Ice Maiden rules the cold snowcapped mountains of Switzerland. Before Rudy was a year old, the Ice Maiden claimed his father into the icy depths of the mountains-and now she wants Rudy too. The precocious little boy must now do everything in his power to resist the lure of...
The Ice Maiden rules the cold snowcapped mountains of Switzerland. Before Rudy was a year old, the Ice Maiden claimed his father into the icy depths of the mountains-and now she wants Rudy too. The precocious little boy must now do everything in his power to resist the lure of...
The Ice Maiden rules the cold snowcapped mountains of Switzerland. Before Rudy was a year old, the Ice Maiden claimed his father into the icy depths of the mountains-and now she wants Rudy too. The precocious little boy must now do everything in his power to resist the lure of...
The Ice Maiden rules the cold snowcapped mountains of Switzerland. Before Rudy was a year old, the Ice Maiden claimed his father into the icy depths of the mountains-and now she wants Rudy too. The precocious little boy must now do everything in his power to resist the lure of...
Hans Christian Andersen (2 April 1805 - 4 August 1875), in Denmark usually called H. C. Andersen, was a Danish author. Although a prolific writer of plays, travelogues, novels, and poems, he is best remembered for his fairy tales. Andersen's fairy tales, consisting of 156 stories...
"The Ice-Maiden" is an 1861 fairy tale (short story) by the Danish writer, Hans Christian Andersen and published by KING & BAIRD in 1863.In "The Ice-Maiden", written towards the end of his career, Hans Christian Andersen tells the tale of Rudy, a boy who lost both his parents...
The Ice Maiden rules the cold snowcapped mountains of Switzerland. Before Rudy was a year old, the Ice Maiden claimed his father into the icy depths of the mountains-and now she wants Rudy too. The precocious little boy must now do everything in his power to resist the lure of...