Her heart's desire would be her downfall. After spending her life in training, Esmeralda still can't believe she's been appointed to serve as the Vestal of Our Lady of Paris-the greatest temple on any planet in the Nine Circles. Her beauty and unrivaled ability...
Les d sirs de son coeur m neraient sa perte. Apr s avoir vou sa vie s'entra ner, Esm ralda ne peut croire qu'elle est assign e servir comme Vestale dans Notre-Dame de Paris - le plus grand temple de toutes les plan tes des Neuf Cercles. Sa beaut et son...
Her heart's desire would be her downfall. After spending her life in training, Esmeralda still can't believe she's been appointed to serve as the Vestal of Our Lady of Paris-the greatest temple on any planet in the Nine Circles. Her beauty and unrivaled...