Everything that you do in life you do to fulfill your needs, including your social demands, eating, development, addictions, sleeping, reproduction, social competition, and learning. While you can do so at all cognitive, existential, and social levels, depending on means, demands, and abilities.
Furthermore, you always follow laws in the world as you fulfill your needs, but can you follow these simultaneously? You may smile slightly here, since experience is personalized and therefore unique throughout the world, but what exactly is going on? Why should you ever encounter problems, as a living human being, in a human world? What are your needs and feelings exactly, and what do they make you do? Who sends you your own, personal, natural human needs? And is everything that you know about the human needs pertinent enough to assure a meaningful, successful, fulfilling life?
Because everybody ends up in dreadful circumstances at times, struggling with countless of problems, it happens to you and to those around, so why should you have to fail in life, at least partially, as a human being, while following rules and the human needs, simultaneously? And since this happens to everybody, can humans actually be at fault? Because if humans themselves are considered wrong, incapable, or compromised, in an actual human world, through their own natural needs and feelings, then what exactly do laws and authorities seek here, if they do not serve humans, society, needs, and fulfillment the most?
Because now, it seems that authorities hold you responsible for everything that life sends your way, ending up contradicting and judging life through you, and punishing you dreadfully. While many times, it is done so on purpose, to reach you, or to take you out of the way. Since everybody becomes involved when you fail, and you have to be highly capable today to manage both life and society simultaneously.
And to make matters more complex, you cannot find to learn anything on this topic, but only laws, codes, stereotypes, and irrelevant or trivial beliefs. And now when you study everything closely, you see how the human experience in this world is marked by the human needs and feelings on one side, and by people's ignorance about the human needs and feelings on the other.
Throughout this book, we study the comprehensive human existence very closely, as it starts with the human needs. We identify and analyze all needs, feelings, fulfillment, behavior, reasoning, and meaning, while understanding life and the wider world altogether. If you seek to learn more about yourself and your own needs and feelings, this book is for you.
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