The Human Heart: A Basic Guide to Heart Disease 2nd Edition By: Brendan Phibbs MD Wolters Kluwer/ Lippincott Williams and Wilkins There has been a growing need for jargon-free medical literature which is both easily comprehended and accessible to the non-expert. In part, this need has arisen over the past several decades in response to the increased recognition of patients as equal partners in healthcare decisions...
This book makes learning about heart easier to understand in more practical terms than so other books out there
My spouse is a heart patient and I've been trying to find meaningful explanations of what's going on. I am not a medical professional. I had purchased another book (Cardiovascular Care Made Incredibly Easy, 2nd Ed) that went mostly over my head. This book explains basic heart function, disease, and treatment (including specific medications) in terms that anybody can understand. It has exceeded my expectations.
I purchased this book to aid in understanding the ailments of the human heart. I found the book to be very helpful as it is written in terms that the average person can understand.
I had an opportunity to purchase and read Dr. Phibbs' latest text, "The Human Heart: A Basic Guide to Heart Disease," about a year ago. I was impressed with the breadth of the commentary and the organization of the material. I work in the pharmaceutical industry and I read many technical and instructive materials. Dr. Phibbs' explanations and diagrams were pristine and useful and had helped me to broaden my cardiovascular...