Your attitudes are your predispositions or drives pushing you toward or away from your everyday activities. The specific attitudes that you may control directly are your conscious attitudes, while the attitudes that you may only influence throughout life are your subconscious, highconscious, and classconscious attitudes. Your unconscious attitudes are your most numerous, rigid, and problematic attitudes, since these attitudes always have a mind of their own, as they have your entire unconscious mind. While your conscious attitudes are part of your conscious reasoning and conscious decisions, as they are relatively easier to control.
Your attitudes are your treasured assets in life, by assisting you with your needs, while watching over you and guiding you consistently throughout life, since your attitudes are your constant drives, urges, desires, intentions, and predispositions toward or against everything that you encounter and do in life. Therefore, your attitudes are your subconscious intelligences accompanying your conscious reasoning throughout your decisions and fulfillment, helping you, influencing you, and reminding you to do everything throughout life, while helping you engage in positive, constructive activities, and stay away from irrelevant, wasteful, or harmful ones.
Your attitudes may be your priceless little helpers, or they may transform into horrifying beasts controlling you, twisting your thinking, and ruining your life in an offensive manner, destroying you and your loved ones in the process. While everything happens because your subconscious intelligence is stronger and more influential over your body and cognitive system than you the conscious intelligence.
Throughout this book, we create a detailed model of human attitudes, meant to explain why and how everything happens, and how attitudes control your reasoning, behavior, and entire interconnectivity, only for you to learn how to remain in control and how to get your life back the way it was, before it is too late.
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