The House of Joy is a novel written by Laurence Housman and published in 1895. The book is set in the late 19th century and tells the story of a young woman named Joy, who is sent away to live with her aunt in the countryside after the death of her mother. Joy is a spirited and...
The House Of Joy is a novel written by Laurence Housman and first published in 1895. It tells the story of a young woman named Joy who is forced to leave her home and live with her aunt in London after her father's death. Joy soon discovers that her aunt is a cruel and manipulative...
The House of Joy is a novel written by Laurence Housman and published in 1895. The story follows the life of a young girl named Joy, who is raised in a strict and religious household. However, when her father dies and her mother remarries, Joy is sent to live with her new stepfather...