"The House of Arden" is a 1908 children's novel written by English poet and author Edith Nesbit. The story revolves around Edred and Elfrida Arden, two children from a poor background who inherit an old, run-down castle and attempt to track down their lost family fortunes which...
The famous Arden family treasure has been missing for generations, and the last members of the Arden line, Edred, Elfrida, and their Aunt Edith, have nothing to their names but the crumbling castle they live in. Just before his tenth birthday, Edred inherits the title of Lord...
Two impoverished children, Edred and Elfrida Arden, inherit the decrepit Arden Castle and search for the lost family fortune that will allow them to rebuild it. With the assistance of the magical Mouldiwarp, they travel back in time to earlier periods of English history, searching...
Excerpt here, so he couldn't. There's a sign-post. I wonder how far we've gone? I'm getting awfully tired." "You'd better have been pilgrims," said Edred. "They never get tired, however many peas they have in their shoes." "I will now," said Elfrida. "You can't," said Edred;...
The House of Arden is a novel for children, written in 1908 by English author Edith Nesbit.
The House of Arden is a novel for children, written in 1908 by English author Edith Nesbit. The famous Arden family treasure has been missing for generations, and the last members of the Arden line, Edred, Elfrida, and their Aunt Edith, have nothing to their names but the crumbling...
The famous Arden family treasure has been missing for generations, and the last members of the Arden line, Edred, Elfrida, and their Aunt Edith, have nothing to their names but the crumbling castle they live in. Just before his tenth birthday, Edred inherits the title of Lord...
The famous Arden family treasure has been missing for generations, and the last members of the Arden line, Edred, Elfrida, and their Aunt Edith, have nothing to their names but the crumbling castle they live in. Just before his tenth birthday, Edred inherits the title of Lord...
Young Edred Arden and his sister Elfrida have inherited Arden Castle, but they will loose it forever unless they can find the long-lost treasure of the Ardens before Edred's birthday. With the aid of the Mouldiwarp of Arden -- a tempermental but magical golden-furred mole --...
Young Edred Arden and his sister Elfrida have inherited Arden Castle, but they will loose it forever unless they can find the long-lost treasure of the Ardens before Edred's birthday. With the aid of the Mouldiwarp of Arden -- a tempermental but magical golden-furred mole --...