The Hot Swamp is a thrilling adventure novel written by R.M. Ballantyne. The story follows the journey of a group of explorers, led by the brave and resourceful Captain Layton, as they venture into the heart of the Amazon rainforest in search of a lost city. Along the way, they...
"The Hot Swamp" from R. M. Ballantyne. Scottish author of juvenile fiction who wrote more than 100 books (1825-1894).
The Hot Swamp is a novel written by R.M. Ballantyne that takes readers on an exciting adventure through the swamps of South America. The story follows a group of explorers who are on a mission to find a rare orchid that only grows in the dangerous and treacherous swamps. The...
This captain was solid, square, bronzed, bluff, and resolute, as all sea-captains are-or ought to be-whether ancient or modern. He owned, as well as commanded, one of those curious vessels with one mast and a mighty square-sail, fifty oars or so, double-banked, a dragon's tail...
This captain was solid, square, bronzed, bluff, and resolute, as all sea-captains are-or ought to be-whether ancient or modern. He owned, as well as commanded, one of those curious vessels with one mast and a mighty square-sail, fifty oars or so, double-banked, a dragon's tail...
Reproduction of the original: The Hot Swamp by R.M Ballantyne
Robert Michael Ballantyne (24 April 1825 - 8 February 1894) was a Scottish author of juvenile fiction who wrote more than 100 books. He was also an accomplished artist, and exhibited some of his water-colours at the Royal Scottish Academy. In 1848 he published his first book...
Nearly two thousand seven hundred years ago-or somewhere about eight hundred years B.C.-there dwelt a Phoenician sea-captain in one of the eastern sea-ports of Greece-known at that period, or soon after, as Hellas. This captain was solid, square, bronzed, bluff, and resolute,...
Nearly two thousand seven hundred years ago-or somewhere about eight hundred years B.C.-there dwelt a Phoenician sea-captain in one of the eastern sea-ports of Greece-known at that period, or soon after, as Hellas. This captain was solid, square, bronzed, bluff, and resolute,...