The Hornet's Nest: A Story of Love and War is a novel written by Edward P. Roe. The book is set during the American Civil War and follows the story of two young lovers, Ned and Alice. Ned is a Union soldier and Alice is a Southern belle. The two are torn apart by the war and...
The Hornet's Nest: A Story of Love and War is a historical novel written by Edward Payson Roe and published in 1892. Set during the American Revolution, the book tells the story of two young lovers, Philip Kent and Ruth Meredith, who find themselves caught up in the conflict...
The Hornet's Nest: A Story of Love and War is a historical fiction novel written by Edward Payson Roe and originally published in 1892. Set during the American Revolution, the book follows the lives of two families, the Andersons and the Bensons, who live in the small town of...
The Hornet's Nest is a novel written by Edward P. Roe that tells the story of love and war. The book is set during the American Civil War and follows the lives of two families, the Graysons and the Witherells, who are torn apart by the conflict. The Graysons are from the South...