John Clellon Holmes reflects on the history of jazz in this classic novel. Edgar Pool is "The Horn," the hero, and the man who helps change the face of American music. He becomes the legend whose triumphant and tragic career is reconstructed through the memories of his friends...
John Clellon Holmes reflects on the history of jazz in this classic novel. Edgar Pool is "The Horn," the hero, and the man who helps change the face of American music. He becomes the legend whose triumphant and tragic career is reconstructed through the memories of his friends...
The Horn is a compelling novel by John Clellon Holmes that delves into the world of jazz music. The story follows the life of a talented trumpet player named Eddie who is determined to make it big in the jazz scene. Through his journey, the reader is taken on a vivid and authentic...
John Clellon Holmes reflects on the history of jazz in this classic novel. Edgar Pool is "The Horn," the hero, and the man who helps change the face of American music. He becomes the legend whose triumphant and tragic career is reconstructed through the memories of his friends...
John Clellon Holmes reflects on the history of jazz in this classic novel. Edgar Pool is "The Horn," the hero, and the man who helps change the face of American music. He becomes the legend whose triumphant and tragic career is reconstructed through the memories of his friends...