""The Honor of Her People"" is a novel written by James Oliver Curwood. The story is set in the early 1900s in the Canadian wilderness and revolves around a young Native American woman named Nepeese. Nepeese is the daughter of the chief of a tribe that is struggling to survive...
The Honor of Her People is a novel written by James Oliver Curwood. It tells the story of a young Native American woman named Nepeese, who lives in the Canadian wilderness with her tribe. Nepeese is known for her beauty, intelligence, and bravery, and she is admired by many in...
The Honor of Her People is a novel written by James Oliver Curwood, an American author and conservationist. The story is set in the wilderness of Canada and revolves around a young woman named Nepeese, who is a member of the Cree tribe. Nepeese is a strong and independent woman...