Joseph Andrews, Fielding's first full-length novel, can also be seen as a response to Richardson, as the lascivious Lady Booby sets out to seduce her comically chaste servant Joseph. As in Tom Jones, Fielding takes a huge cast of characters out on the road and exposes them to...
Dependent on the benevolence of her aristocratic relatives, young Fanny Price develops into the moral center of a family gone astray and restores the tranquility of her adoptive home. Written in the full flower of Austen's maturity, this work offers an entertaining study of the...
Joseph Andrews, or The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and of his Friend Mr. Abraham Adams, was the first published full-length novel of the English author Henry Fielding, and indeed among the first novels in the English language. Published in 1742 and defined by...
Joseph Andrews refuses Lady Booby's advances, she discharges him, and Joseph and his old tutor, Parson Adams (one of the great comic figures of literature), sets off to visit his sweetheart, Fanny. Along the way, they meet with a series of adventures in which, through their own...
Joseph Andrews, or The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and of his Friend Mr. Abraham Adams, was the first published full-length novel of the English author Henry Fielding, and among the first novels in the English language
Henry Fielding var ikke s? lidt af en spasmager, og da han i 1742 udgav "Joseph Andrews" kaldte han dens form "komisk episk digt i prosaform". Romanen t ller til de f rste engelsksprogede romaner og handler om en tjeners og en pr sts oplevelser under en fodrejse fra London til...
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