This is an eye opening book with many,many facts that one can find by just dong a little reschearch.
Thank you to the author for having written such a scholarly work on the true historical account of the christian and catholic faiths. I came from an eastern catholic background and found much of what I had been taught in religous history and theology in this book, only re-told in a different light. The author presents the facts about the counsels of nicea along with the other "great" counsels of the ancient church, and relates...
The chains of slavery must be broken, and we as African people must hand back the religions of our oppressors. Even though this book doesn't talk about the total myth of the exsoteric individuals like Jesus/Zeus/Serapis/Jupitar/Thor/Odin/Herakles/Mithra/Dionsyus/Muhammed and etc, it gives you a scope to how all these silly man-made religions were started, and besides all the so-called "saviors" name beforehand are all one...
Every human on earth is affected by religion in some way shape or form. This book lays down the foundation and dismantles a part of the Europeans institution. I recommend this piece of profound scholarship to anyone living in the Afrikan community in America and the world. A great follow-up is "The Historical Origins of Islam". Also read the appendix and the bibliography to any piece of literature that you read instead of...
A must read for believers and non-believers of "Jesus". I was extremely impressed with the depth of research and knowledge that went into the writing of this book. From a small child I was never, ever able to believe what I was taught about anything written in the bible. It always sounded too far fetched. For me, this author spells out the simple TRUTH. Thank you Brother Walter Williams.