Money isn't everything until you haven't got any and then it does become everything. Everything we do in life involves money. We need money to eat, for a place to live, to heat our homes, for the clothes we wear, for transport, for education and just about anything we do in life, especially the things we want to enjoy. In fact nothing in the world functions without the circulation of money. It's one of the most important subjects in life and surprisingly it's not taught at school and it shows.
The attitude people have on money has mostly been formed by the behaviours of people around them, the media, social media, advertising and marketing. In a world where people are addicted to credit, borrowing and following the crowd there is only a few that are getting ahead.
The principles of getting ahead, building wealth, living the life you want and becoming financially free have never changed, these lessons have been around since the beginning of time, but you have probably never been exposed to them.
This book will provide you with all the basic principles that you need to build your wealth, improve and expand yourself so that you can live a financially abundant and healthy life and set yourself on a path to real education on money as well as improving your own personal value and reaching your goals on the highway to financial freedom.